Monday, March 15, 2010

Stokes, Back on the saddle again

After being out of commission for a few weeks, I have spent the last week trying to regain focus...which has not been easy. I find with every new article I read, I find myself re-thinking and debating what direction to take my thesis in. I was charged with trying to move away from thinking about Social Networks in a Social Science manner....I am not 100% sure how to do that.

So I had a thought about not only the structure and layout of my paper but a potential thesis question. First the these question: Under current and proposed laws and legislation of privacy and the internet – in the eyes of the United Stated Government is there a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything posted on a Social Networking site?

I envision my paper being broken up into two main sections, one being from the user point of view: What is their exception of privacy? Citing studies such as Professors Levin and Abril recently published results of an empirical study in which they examined the online social network activity and privacy expectations of 2,500 students in the United States and Canada, for example.

The second section taking on a law review format addressing the legal point of view. Tort Law, Privacy Law, 4th Amendment, Electronic Communication Privacy Act, as well as proposed legislation just to name a few would be addressed. In addition,recent cases where parties have tried to argue for privacy rights in information posted to online social networking profiles would be presented.

Thoughts? Feedback?