Sunday, January 24, 2010

A. Stokes, Journal Entry 2,

Similar to my fellow classmates, the most interesting question ( or sometimes the most interesting reaction) is the inquiry as to what exactly information technology is. I find that my answer various depending not only on my audience, but on my mood. Some (especially my brother who is medical school), have a difficult time accepting that information design could or can be studied and is all around us.

Majority of you are aware that I have not only left the field of admissions, but I am now working with dedicated online students. Even though these students are not physically on campus, providing them with the same support, educational opportunities, and social interactions as a traditional campus based student is a central goal I just recently sat in on a meeting to discuss options for students with disabilities. Platforms such as SecondLife were explored to potentially provided opportunities for students to obtain the support and additional accommodations they need and required in order to be a successful student. With my new position and job responsibilities I am intrigued daily on how information technologies (some basic such as Facebook, Chat's, and even email) can be used to provide some of the fundamental characteristics of college in a virtual setting.

Assuming that it only takes this semester and the summer to complete me thesis, in two to three years I hope to be continuing my ascend in the field of higher education with a goal and aspersions to one day be a Dean of Students.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an autoethnographer to me...

    If you're interested, I would begin spinning out some study of online college as a thesis topic. Or, you might find a nice project to build, perhaps out of google docs or some other platform.
