Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stokes, Assignment 8, Next steps

The next phase for me involves a date (actually several dates) with my computer doing some research to better understand the process and thesis style I am about to embark on. My thesis is taking on the model of a law review article (something I am in search to learn much more about).

My memo stated that my thesis would be answering the theoretical question: What impact legislation will have on internet security and privacy, especially in regards to social networking sites. I have been encouraged to take my thesis a step further to a broader view and not just focus on legislation but on the user for example. Is there and expectation of privacy from the user? Does the first amendment provide protection?

In addition I have been encouraged to find studies that have used a similar methodology to identify a "sense of the congress" or "agenda setting".

Thank goodness I have a few examples and starting points to begin my research. Wish me luck! I will let you know how it all turns out.

1 comment:

  1. Still in search of a solid, theory-based research question. One objective of your work in the next week might be to try to nail that down (not that it won't change, but you want to have the comfort of a solid question).

    At one level, it seems to me that you are interested in the legal/policy aspects of privacy in social networking environments. More specifically, you seem to be interested in the need for legislative / regulatory activity in this area.

    One good place to start would be to understand the ways in which social networking environments like Facebook have been interpreted by the Courts, legislatures and regulatory agencies over the past few years. The article that explored the use of Facebook as a process server -- -- is a good start because it shows how to place Facebook into a legal / regulatory / legislative context, and get out of thinking about Facebook in a social science / behavioral context.
