Monday, March 15, 2010

Stokes, Back on the saddle again

After being out of commission for a few weeks, I have spent the last week trying to regain focus...which has not been easy. I find with every new article I read, I find myself re-thinking and debating what direction to take my thesis in. I was charged with trying to move away from thinking about Social Networks in a Social Science manner....I am not 100% sure how to do that.

So I had a thought about not only the structure and layout of my paper but a potential thesis question. First the these question: Under current and proposed laws and legislation of privacy and the internet – in the eyes of the United Stated Government is there a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything posted on a Social Networking site?

I envision my paper being broken up into two main sections, one being from the user point of view: What is their exception of privacy? Citing studies such as Professors Levin and Abril recently published results of an empirical study in which they examined the online social network activity and privacy expectations of 2,500 students in the United States and Canada, for example.

The second section taking on a law review format addressing the legal point of view. Tort Law, Privacy Law, 4th Amendment, Electronic Communication Privacy Act, as well as proposed legislation just to name a few would be addressed. In addition,recent cases where parties have tried to argue for privacy rights in information posted to online social networking profiles would be presented.

Thoughts? Feedback?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stokes, Assignment 8, Next steps

The next phase for me involves a date (actually several dates) with my computer doing some research to better understand the process and thesis style I am about to embark on. My thesis is taking on the model of a law review article (something I am in search to learn much more about).

My memo stated that my thesis would be answering the theoretical question: What impact legislation will have on internet security and privacy, especially in regards to social networking sites. I have been encouraged to take my thesis a step further to a broader view and not just focus on legislation but on the user for example. Is there and expectation of privacy from the user? Does the first amendment provide protection?

In addition I have been encouraged to find studies that have used a similar methodology to identify a "sense of the congress" or "agenda setting".

Thank goodness I have a few examples and starting points to begin my research. Wish me luck! I will let you know how it all turns out.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stokes, Thesis Search:Legislation

I have spent the last few days on a reading and researching current legislation that is at various stages of activity. A sample of some of my findings:
1. SAFE Internet Act:Introduced May 14, 2009
To make grants available to carry out an age-appropriate, research-based Internet safety education program and other activities relating to Internet safety.

2. Student Internet Safety Act of 2009: Passed House June 16, 2009 (Awaiting Senate)
To use $$ (Drug free $$, and other) to develop and implement programs promoting safe internet use by students.

3. Internet Freedom Act of 2009: Introduced Oct. 22, 2009
To prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from further regulating the Internet

4. Adolescent Web Awareness Requires Education Act: Introduced Sept. 23, 2009

5. Expressing Support for Designation of Jan. 28 as "National Data Privacy Day"

While I am reading and discovering possibilities of legal impact legislation could and will have in regards to information on the internet, I am pondering the structure, flow and design of my thesis. What technique should I adopt:
1. Content Analysis: analyze 2 or more of these Acts, in search of common themes that could be developed into a potential hypothesis for the impact they may have if passed as a bill.
2. Comparison Study: Compare and Contrast 2 or more of these Acts
3. Usability Analysis: ???

This is where I may need a little help. I am very interested in this topic and even more so now that I have been exposed to some legislation will potentially be dealing with Internet safety and privacy. Next steps and structure of my thesis are still a bit foggy and unclear at this point.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A. Stokes, Journal Entry 2,

Similar to my fellow classmates, the most interesting question ( or sometimes the most interesting reaction) is the inquiry as to what exactly information technology is. I find that my answer various depending not only on my audience, but on my mood. Some (especially my brother who is medical school), have a difficult time accepting that information design could or can be studied and is all around us.

Majority of you are aware that I have not only left the field of admissions, but I am now working with dedicated online students. Even though these students are not physically on campus, providing them with the same support, educational opportunities, and social interactions as a traditional campus based student is a central goal I just recently sat in on a meeting to discuss options for students with disabilities. Platforms such as SecondLife were explored to potentially provided opportunities for students to obtain the support and additional accommodations they need and required in order to be a successful student. With my new position and job responsibilities I am intrigued daily on how information technologies (some basic such as Facebook, Chat's, and even email) can be used to provide some of the fundamental characteristics of college in a virtual setting.

Assuming that it only takes this semester and the summer to complete me thesis, in two to three years I hope to be continuing my ascend in the field of higher education with a goal and aspersions to one day be a Dean of Students.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thoughts about my Thesis

In the last few classes I have taken, I have geared my projects and topics towards the study and research of social networks such as Facebook and MySpace. I have been intrigued by the boundary of public verses private information and the understanding or lack of consideration of the idea that a boundary may or need to exist.

For my thesis I would like to research and investigate any legislation that is being proposed or created to address the issue of privacy for the internet age we are living in